You asked about my journal.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A few of you asked what kind of journals I buy and where to get them when I did the journal tips post. Here you have it: I buy Moleskine notebooks. I jump around between sizes and colors, but I always get them unlined--it's easier to be creative and free that way. You can get these at most bookstores, but I like buying them from Amazon because they're cheaper. This is the one I have right now.


  1. I have that same one! It's my creative writing notebook and it's perfect. I will never go back to lines. Ever.

  2. I love moleskines. My drawing prof turned us on to them (the little tiny ones) and I've carried one around ever since. That and those pens that have the 4 in one color tabs:)

  3. i have so many moleskines i feel like i could work for them. i think half their quarter's earnings come from me haha...ohh what a fetish...

    i feel like we would be such good friends out of the blogo ha
