
Thursday, June 27, 2013

the invitations

I'm back! Harley is too good to me. One of my favorite things about co-blogging is the option of taking vacations once in a while and not having to worry too much about writing.

Anyway, due to the craziness in the weeks leading up to my wedding, I never even got these photos posted. Our lovely and incredibly talented friend Remy Glock designed them for us, mainly from inspiration I provided with a Pinterest board. I love the way they turned out. We wanted a slightly traditional, elegant feel spiced with vintage, and she gave us exactly that.

Jess and I are trying to find the rhythm of our new life as marrieds, and, thank goodness, things are a little slower than they were a few weeks ago. No daily trip to Hobby Lobby or Sam's Club and there aren't 200 receipts cluttering my purse. Maybe I will even have the sanity to blog again...

More updates to come!


  1. these are gorgeous! i also did floral art on my invites. great minds. ;)
    also, i included you in a get to know you post on my blog today. hope you'll join in! :) xx

  2. OMG I love these gorgeous invites!!! LOVELY bride and groom!!!
