
Friday, June 28, 2013

what harley wore: ootd may wrap up

you probably thought that i forgot about this here challenge, but i didn't. it just took me a little bit longer than anticipated to round up all of these here photos. so here is my ootd may round up... at the end of june. 

at the end of april i decided to do something a little crazy - take a picture of my outfit everyday for the entire month of may on instagram. you can see a few that i posted on the blog here. 

overall i would say that the challenge was a definite success and i think i have learned a little bit about my personal style. and i bet you can figure out what my favorite pose is... hand on the hip ready go!

my top five outfit choices are 1, 4, 8, 16, and 24. which one is you favorite? sometimes i feel like i dress cute, but other time i feel so... not put together. i'm like "why can't i just look classy!"

a HUGE thank you to all of those that participated. I loved having you and it was a blast getting to know more bloggers out there! :) if anyone else did an ootd everyday may wrap up let me know and i'll include a link in the blog post.


p.s. there are so many pictures of my face and you can find me on instagram here


  1. Such a fun series! I enjoyed watching what you came up with. My favorites of yours are 1,2,3 and 15...but maybe I just have a scarf fetish. :)

  2. AMAZING! you are so awesome!! that's a lot of cute outfits :)

  3. SO FREAKIN CUTE. Can I have your closet now?

  4. so much style and fun! lovely lovely!

  5. I love that I helped make 8 happen :) i miss you guys!

  6. These looks are so cute! can't believe you were able to make a cute outfit every day. I have trouble wearing something different everyday to school (and that's just 5 days a week!) I think my favorite outfit is number 8! The striped jeans are so cute with the parka:)

  7. i honestly can not even handle how cute you are. I love that you did this challenge and i can totally understand taking forever to get the photos rounded up together, i get so distracted with other stuff too.

    anyways you're cute. we should go shopping sometime... whaa?
