
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

what harley wore: wet hair don't care

dress: madewell (on sale in store) // shoes: madewell (sale in store) // necklace: madewell // purse: thrifted

the heat you guys. generally i shower at night, because then i go to sleep with wet hair and when i wake up it is miraculously dry. however, sometimes i have to shower in the morning (like most adults) and when this happens literally the last thing in the whole world i want to do is blow dry my hair. so i don't. and i walk around with wet hair until it dries. and now you know my secret. 

p.s. my advice for shopping at madewell is to always do it in store. they have outrageous sales.

linking up: 


  1. ahhhhhhhhh love this outfit!! :D and i've been rockin wet hair two days in a row now, haha

  2. That necklace is amazing! And I am the same way, hate blow drying my hair and always let it air dry.

  3. Oh I love that dress. I've been eyeing for ages but it always seemed too expensive. So cool you found it on sale! I got my favorite pair of Swedish Hasbeens on sale there!

    Ladyface Blog

  4. Love the dress - it looks great on you!

    I always shower at night for exactly the same reason, haha :)

    Katie | Loverly She

  5. I shower at night too! And I also hate blow drying my long thick tangled hair!! Haha.
    This outfit is so simple but so gorgeous! I'm loving this dress and the flats are such a pretty color. Also, I'm kind of obsessed with your bag and super jealous!
    Visiting from the link-up!

  6. hahaha, I love that you let your hair air dry, trust me I wish I could get a way with it. sometimes I try the "beachy look" when I am seriously lazy lol. I am hosting a weekly blog hop and I've love for you to stop by and share this look!

    xo, Tori

  7. girl i love this dress.
    it fits you perfectly.
    and i definitely shower at night.
    sleeping is more important then having done hair.


  8. I have this dress, too, and I love it! It's so comfy and cute and versatile! Love the way you styled it.

  9. You are so cute and I love that dress! I would love for you to come link up to my Sunday Style Link Up again today :)

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