A few letters for your enjoyment

Saturday, June 18, 2011

{Me & the Vienna girls in Florence, Italy-2010}

Dear Italy: Can't wait to see you this summer!

Dear Jane: I miss your face.

Dear Idaho: It is good to be back and sleeping in my memory foam covered mattress.

Dear Cali: I'm sorry we don't get to see more of each other.

Dear Anthro: My credit card hates you.

Dear Rachel: I love you and I am super lame.

Dear Camera: Sorry I have been neglecting you. Sometimes I just want to live my life and not worry about taking pictures.

Dear 20x12: I tried. I really did.

Dear M: I am really glad that I get to see you everyday.

Dear Sun: I am so glad that you have come out to visit me over the last couple days. I have enjoyed my shorts wearing sweater-less weather immensely.

Dear Fro Yo: Without you in my life I would be sad.

Dear Ticket to Ride: Thank you for giving me the best cards that help me win all the time.

Dear Avocados: YUM. I see a tree that grows you in my future.

Dear H&J readers: Thanks for sticking around. Lets be friends.


  1. I always lose at ticket to ride. Always. Even when I cheat.

  2. avocados are the most delicious fruit ever.

  3. this picture makes me jealous! i want to go to Italy terribly!


  4. Avocados. They're everywhere here, and I wish I could send you one. Or five. I think I ate two today.

  5. molto carino il tuo blog. Devo dire che sono orgoglioso che tu sia venuta nella mia città(Firenze)
