
Sunday, December 29, 2013

what harley wore: plaid scarf

Hi from Denmark everyone! I asked Michael to snap these pictures of me before we went to church today. Church in Danish is... well it gives me a lot of language practice. Michael's mom even recruited me to sing in the choir. Nothing like throwing an american girl up there to sing a Danish new years song.

It has been so fun to spend so much time with family. I feel so blessed that Michael and I have such amazing relationships with his family here in Denmark despite the fact that we don't get to see them that often. We are certainly blessed. Hope you are having a fabulous holiday season! 

P.S. I got this scarf for 6 euros in Germany, my dress is a madewell staple, and these boots have been featured here many a time. 


  1. your pictures of Denmark are making me super jealous - it's top on my list of places to visit!

  2. Nice outfit. Where I live it so cold at the moment, I would probably freeze if I wear a short sleeves dress ughh... btw keep up the good work :)

    Wish you a very happy new year <3

  3. the plaid is cute, but I am diggin' the boots!!!

    xx Laur

  4. Oh girl. This is so so so cute. Seriously, I'd wear this everyday. Adorbs.

  5. If you ever feel like donating all of your clothes to me, I wouldn't mind.

  6. Cute sarf and boots! Love the blog! Would love if you would follow me back! I am just starting out:)

  7. Wait cute little girl.. I got that scarf for 6 euros:)
