
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

24 before 25

I'm a little late because my birthday was in October... but here we go! Some are very specific and others are a little more vague. Hopefully it's a good mix. 24 is a lot of goals! I think 24 is going to be a good year, 23 wasn't my fav.

1. Finish one large Moleskin Journal
2. Visit three new places (Germany, Sweden, ?)
3. Pay off all debt
4. Read the Book of Mormon
5. Take an improv class at second city
6. Go to the Field Museum
7. Be less sarcastic
8. Speak better Danish
9. Complete one sewing project
10. Prioritize breakfast
11. Read a newspaper cover to cover
12. Remember every family members birthday and give a thoughtful gift
13. Read one book a month
14. Complete the New Weight Lifting for Women work out series
15. Get in bed by 10:30 on work nights
16. Sign a petition
17. Work on being a more positive person
18. Start wearing contacts
19. Take someone to lunch
20. Call my mom at least once a week
21. Print more pictures
22. Make a photo book of our second year of marriage
23. Get some new art for our apartment
24. Do something special for Michael monthly

And that's all she wrote folks. Happy New Year!


  1. Love this so much! I need to do something like this. Happy new year!


  2. "Do something special for Michael monthly."
    Great idea, I might steal it!

  3. How cute! I was just writing a list like this yesterday, except it's going to be 24 things to do before I turn 24. I'll turn 23 next month.
