
Thursday, June 13, 2013

him and her: golden swank

We are celebrating love here at harley and jane this week because Jane is getting married!!! We are so excited. To get in the marriage mood we asked some of our blogging friends to do a him & her guest post. Today we have Jessica from Golden Swank and she is the loveliest. And isn't this picture ADORABLE? Jessica also just got married and her bridal pictures were unreal. See them here.

Him: 6 AM
Her: 9 PM

Him: P90X
Her: turbo kick

Him: Arrested Development 
Her: Pretty Little Liars 

Him: guitar
Her: Piano

Him: Sports
Her: Shopping

Him: cinnamon rolls
Her: gummy bears 

Him: people pleaser
Her: people pleaser

Him: love language = service
Her: love language = gifts 

Him: Movie Theater
Her: redbox
Harley & Jane


  1. Embarrassed to admit that I watch Pretty Little Liars too! But my hubby watches with me because he got sucked in!

  2. Oh how i love this! Been married a year and it just keep getting better. Congrats Jane!!

  3. yay! thanks for thinking of me for this series! xoxoxoxo
