
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

fabulous DIY's from lynn and lou and a $25 anthro giveaway!

Hello Harley and Jane readers! Richelle and McKenna from Lynn + Lou. We are sisters, living in two different cities, trying to bridge the gap by writing our blog. We have had a very adventurous year and have loved expanding and sharing our creativity with the blogosphere. With the both of us contributing to the blog, we have our own distinct styles and sources where we find our inspiration.

Where you do find creative inspiration? Where do you shop, what do you read, what blogs do you read to glean daily inspiration? Both of us have our distinct favorites:

Lynn does not go a day without checking her Pinterest account, and has made this a habit since the early months Pinterest was introduced to the world. That and various Tumbler accounts make it into the daily rounds along with a dose of How About Orange and Print & Pattern. Lou loves to frequent A Beautiful Mess and Pinterest as well. We are both obsessed with creatively inspiring blogs, and we are so pleased to have added Harley and Jane to that list.

We decided today to share with you a few of our most favorite DIY posts from Lynn + Lou. Hopefully they will help fill up your daily bucket of creativity. These are just a few of our favorites:

As with some of our favorite blogs, we think that it is important to have a physical place to find creative inspiration. For both of us, we find that the amazing decorative and gorgeous clothing of Anthropologie fulfills this. Who doesn't love Anthro, right? We would love to offer one reader a $25 gift certificate to Anthropologie. Kindly hop on over to our blog and leave us a comment, on our post today on How to Perfectly Frost a Cake. Make sure you say that you are a Harley and Jane reader. We will choose a winner one week from today, Tuesday June 18th.

Thank you to Harley and Jane for letting us post today. We have so much fun creating fun things on our blog and hope that you will come on over and visit us sometime.


  1. Oh my, I LOVE this teacup DIY. Thanks so much for sharing. Cute post! :)

  2. Their DIYs are the best! And McKenna was my supervisor at a froyo place we worked at together, she is so nice.

  3. Super cute! I'll be sure to check out the DIYs!

    Ladyface Blog
