
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Those are two little cuties right there. That's my (now 6 foot 4) little brother on the left and my dad on the right, and I can't believe how similar they look in both shots. Aren't my dad's pants RAD? My siblings and I love looking through the bins of old photos, and these were among the other gems we found.

Classes end next week, then it's on to graduation and an incredible summer. Everyone who comes for my graduation is going to help me move my stuff up north, into the apartment Jess and I will live in after we get married. It's so quaint (code word for small, yes...) and charming (code word for old), but we love it! I can't wait to get it all decorated and start doing projects with our space. All my Pinterest boards--DIY, Organization, Cottage--will finally get put to use. 

Meanwhile, I'm plugging away on my April Happiness Project goals. Yesterday I did a little refocusing because so far the whole cheerfulness plan hasn't been going well. Anyway, I'm smiling and back on track.


  1. Hi there!
    I'm your newest bloglovin' follower, from the Bloglovin' collective: would you like follow me back :)
    Tx a lot,

  2. Love your dad's pants... he was pretty stylish back in the day! (He's probably my age.. so I would know!)

  3. wow! love those photos! love the whole vibe of them! :) with which camera they were taken? :)

  4. love looking at old family photos too - they're so fun!

  5. Aaaaaahahahahaha. I knew it was your dad the second I saw it! How rad. Wish we could see more of little brother's face! It would have been fun to see how he's changed. Thanks for sharing!
