
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

penelope's // chicago city scapers

Living in one of the greatest cities in the world certainly has it perks. Since moving to Chicago I have met some pretty rad people, including Mo from Momoko Photography-- now, we have teamed and we're planning to explore Chicago! If you are ever looking for somewhere fabulous to spend your time while on vacation here, we'll give you a million things to choose from. Maybe we will even convince you to stop by! We are going local, going big, and going everywhere. We are on a mission to prove that as far as cities go, Chicago is the best. 

Today's adventure is brought to you by Penelope's on W Division. When Mo took me inside I almost dropped a million dollars. The clothing is perfect. They carry both men and women's clothing. It reminds me of a cross between madewell and thrifting. Super trendy stuff with a vintage vibe. The shop set up is super charming and the staff are beyond fantastic-- and extremely trendy. 

If you aren't local to Chicago make sure to check out their website- things are a little pricier online, but the quality is extremely good.


  1. This boutique looks amazing! I would love to visit you in Chicago! Also these pictures are supurb. Jst great photography. xx. McKenna Lou

  2. wow! that's a very nice place! :)
    love the interior design!

  3. LOVING that - I havn't been to Chicago in years, but you are inspiring me to get back out there! A midwest girl in my core, I miss it sometimes! I grew up in MN and now live in Seattle. I LOVE the Pacific Northwest, but there is just nothing like the midwest! Looks like I need to head back to the middle - and I will be using some of YOUR posts as a guide for sure!

  4. Oh my goodness! I'd go there in a heartbeat and yeah probably spend about a million dollars too!!! If I visit Chicago again I have to remember this place!! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  5. Such a cute shop! What an awesome find! I have been to Chicago once but would love to go back! Stopping over to say hi from the bloglovin blog hop at peacoats and plaid and new bloglovin follower!

  6. I would love this place and I love the clothes! I am missing Chicago so much right now! -Jessica L
