
Thursday, March 21, 2013

him & her by the fiance

hey everyone, it's jane. we have received incredibly positive feedback from our him & her posts in the last few weeks and have decided to make it a regular feature. write your own, grab the button, and link up so we can read yours!

i asked jess to do it from his point of view today, and he was nice enough to oblige.

{by jane's fiance}

him: lettuce
her: spinach

him: remembers his dreams
her: prays for no dreams

him: 3 more years of school
her: 1 more month of school

him: green eyes
her: blue eyes

him: fly by the seat of your pants
her: make a plan weeks in advance

him: fantasy
her: historical fiction

him: whatever tv shows she likes
her: sister wives

him: safe haven, and not afraid to admit it
her: safe haven

Harley & Jane


  1. This is such a cute idea! Thanks for hosting! :)

  2. I have the coolest sister and future bro-in-law everrrrrr!

  3. Love this idea! Is it on each Thursday! I want to link up this week!
