
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

the paper doll // chicago city scapers

Living in one of the greatest cities in the world certainly has it perks. Since moving here I have met some pretty rad people, including Mo from Momoko Photography -- we have teamed up and we're planning to explore chicago! If you are ever looking for somewhere fabulous to spend your time when you vacation here, we'll give you a million things to choose from. We are going local, going big, and going everywhere. 

Today we are featuring the Paper Doll, an adorable paper goods shop located on Division and Hoyne. It was started in 2000 by two sisters, and they carry adorable cards, books, journals, clothes -- all things cute and fun. Plus they have an adorable little pug named Rhonda. They don't have an online store yet, but you can check out the Paper Doll blog here


  1. These pictures are SO amazing! I have got to go here! Thanks for the tip...

  2. I am so excited about this trip. I am heading out to Chicago this summer, and maybe again in the Fall!

  3. Ahh this has been on my list of places I want to check out! Thanks for the reminder. Can't wait to see what other places you choose!

  4. So cool!! Everything is so cute!!


  5. What a great idea on a blog post!
    Love it!


  6. this makes me miss chicago and all the unique little shops on every street!

  7. hi, I'm dana and I've been following for a few weeks now and have a no-anonymous-blog-stalking policy, so i'm saying hi! I LOVE paper goods. This place looks like I could have a really good time in it
