
Thursday, October 11, 2012

there's a reason i prefer dreamless nights

Last night I dreamed a tall, handsome man asked me to marry him. We were sitting together on the grass when he took me by the hand and pulled me up. He knelt and asked the simple question. Even being asleep though, my conscious unaware, I felt in the pit of my stomach that I was saying yes to the wrong person. I woke up sad and empty, aching.

I try so hard not to worry or think about the illusive "someday," but when it breaks through my subconscious like it did last night, it hurts. It's a cold breeze blowing through me, in a space I usually manage to ignore.


  1. Whoa. That just made me really sad. Also your writing style is beautiful.

    Love you.

  2. Sad! You will find a wonderful man someday and you will know. :) I have a fun giveaway on my blog that I think you girls will like! Check it out:

  3. I hear ya! That "someday" seems like it will never happen...

  4. I do not like dreams like that. It's like your subconscious is allowed to make you sad all on its own, like a sneak attack in the night. I remember I once had a dream that I was pregnant and then throughout the dream my belly got smaller and smaller and nobody believed me that I was pregnant. I woke up legitimately sad that my baby was gone. So crazy. I also have a recurring dream that I'm getting married to a guy I don't know and I need to run away from the wedding. In those dreams, my dress is always too big -- like it was made for someone else. Weird huh? Dreams are weird.

  5. argh, this terrifies me also! i hope that the one day that a man does propose to me, he is The One and I feel exactly the same about him that he feels about me. x

  6. Instead of dreading strange dreams, you should channel the creative stuff of your imagination into writing fiction! That's what I do. My dreams are vivid and intense, sometimes so exciting that I awake trying to catch my breath (I don't want to hear my mom's theories of hereditary sleep apnea at this time) and the only thing I can think is that those dreams are planted in my mind--mine and no other--because I am meant to write them. I firmly believe that! Harness those emotions and use them! Don't let them go to waste :)
