
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

23 before 24

Today is my birthday and I found Jane's post from Tuesday entirely fitting for my life. Here are my 23 goals before I turn 24.

1. Start a new job
2. Travel to three new places
3. Finish two moleskin journals
4. Compliment someone everyday for something sincere. Nothing artificial.
5. Become a great listener
6. Learn a new signature dessert
7. Read something by Jane Austen (I can't believe I never have before!)
8. Start making my own bread
9. Become consistent with daily scripture study
10. Throw away at least one item of clothing every month
11. Get off the Internet by 10pm
12. Go to the top of the sears tower
13. Get in shape by working out at least three times a week
14. Learn this song and record it
15. Give service freely- Think of others before myself
16. Read a newspaper cover to cover
17. Ride my bike through the city
18. Attend a food, music, and art festival
19. Make a piece of art for my home
20. Leave my hair color alone
21. Make sure the dishes are done every night before I got to sleep
22. Feed the birds
23. Decorate a cake

image via.

24. learn to love winter. 


  1. I cannot believe neither of you have read Pride and Prejudice. DO IT NOW. It is one of my very favorites. Jane Austen has other good ones, but start with P&P!

    1. It's embarrassing, I know...I've gotten more than halfway through about 4 times, I've just never gotten to the end!

  2. Persuasion is my favorite.

    Have you tried No-Knead Bread? A fabulous way to check something off your list.

    Great goals, great girl! Happy Birthday!

  3. i absolutely love these. enjoy your jane austen book. i love to read, and can you believe i haven't read one of her novels either? i feel so left out. tell me which one you read!

    happy birthday!

  4. Love these! Such a great list!! I really need to get off the internet by 10. That's an awesome goal!

  5. Happy birthday, welcome to the Blink 182 "Nobody Likes You When You're 23" Club!

  6. Happy Birthday!!!! Good luck with your list!

  7. I love your list! Read a newspaper cover to cover...didn't you get enough of that in 211?? Hahah bad memories of that class.

  8. This is a great idea! I think I am going to follow this plan for my next year. Or start it now. My birthday is right after New Years and birthday goals tend to get lost right along with New Year goals :-P
