
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Harley Wore: Blazer & Boyfriend Jeans

Blazers: LC via Khols//Shirt: Asos//Jeans: LC//Shoes: ...old//Bag: Ross

Last night Michael and I went on a litte date.  Second date night in a row. We are making up for lost time here. We got sushi at our favorite place and then saw Arsenic and Old Lace at the Hale Center Theater in Orem. I highly recommend seeing it if you are in the area. Two little old ladies that murder people? Hilarious. 

Today I am cleaning the house. De-cluttering my life and getting rid of tons of things. Would a shop my closet be something you would like? Or simply something annoying? I can never decide... 

Also I have started the job hunt. Now that I am a college graduate that is the next step. Too bad advertising jobs in Utah are like... non existent. Wish me luck!


  1. Love it. You look great. Yes please do a shop my closet!

    Method Clothe

  2. super cute, love the boyfriend jeans + heels. I wish I could pull off that look but it just ain't happenin' for me

  3. I never think it's weird when people sell their old clothes and stuff on their blogs. This could be because I have a concerning addiction to a) thrifting and b) online shopping.

  4. You look so fresh and summer-y.


  5. i love your dress.You look cute in this.Golden color Top Give Wonderful grace in sunshine.
