
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Featured Blogger: Elsha Rae

Hello lovely Harley and Jane readers! I am Elsha Rae from over at Her and Him! I feel so honored to be guest posting on their blog today! I have followed their adorable blog for as long as I can remember I can never seem to get enough of it! I first started blogging because I had left for school and my family really wanted me to start one so they could see what was going on in my life. Fight with my best friend, eat a hotdog, enjoy a hotdog, admit to my parents being right, wear white after labor day, grow up, change my mind, and wish things were different were all things that I swore I would never do... but ended up doing. And amongst it all I seemed to add blogging to that list, and fell in love with it so much that blogging has definitely become a part of not only my everyday things, but a part of me. Some of my dearest friends I have met through blogging. Words can't express enough how much I love the blog world.

I was also asked to tell you guys what inspires me. This one was a little bit more difficult for me to answer because for the obvious reason there are many people out there that inspire me, I thrive on other peoples inspiration and determination. But to get down to the nitty gritty of it I would definitely have to go to my pops. My dad is  my first love and best friend. He is the most optimistic, hard-working, and selfless man who can fix anything –broken hearts, included— makes me laugh ‘til my sides hurt, offers incredible advice, be my coach and my cheerleader, "fluff" my bangs and make the perfect pony tail, provide for our family, be the best Friday night sidekick, show me the kind of man I hoped to marry, and raise a daughter better than anyone I've ever met! 

Thanks for reading guys and for tuning in! 

Isn't she great? We have been reading her blog forever and loved watching her fall in love and get married! Go and visit her here!

This blog is part of our journey in capturing why people blog. 
Why do you blog and what inspires you?

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