
Friday, August 7, 2015

An update on Harley & Jane

Hi Friends! It has been a while.

We just thought that we would pop in and say first of all, hey! but also let you know what we are up to now in case you are interested in keeping up with us.

Jane, aka Kayla, is now running the Pregnancy Perfect Podcast & Blog, a blog and podcast dedicated to women and their #9monthmarathon. She is about to kick off Podcast season #2 next week and it should be awesome! She is also on instagram here. She also has the most adorable little girl named Sweden Bee.

Harley, aka Krystle, is running her other blog called Krystle, Darling mostly documenting daily life and random thoughts. She on instagram here. She has also taken up weaving and opened an etsy shop. If you are interested in checking that out follow her instagram and look at her shop here. And she just moved to Dallas! Anyone want to be friends?

Thank you again for following us throughout the years & being such amazing friends and supporters. We are pretty lucky.

Harley & Jane

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