
Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 6 5 days of journaling | february

I have only missed 4 days of journaling this entire year kids. What a feeling. This is the longest I have ever held on to a new years resolution. Every night as I snuggle into bed, I prop a pillow under my chin and scribble anything and everything I want. After years of journaling I have found that you have to release any sort of preconceived notions as to what a journal should be or who it should reflect. This journal is not for my posterity, it doesn't have to show me in a superior light, it is simply mine. For me a me alone. How very few of those things we allow ourselves to have.

Sometimes I write about what was done that day, but often I find myself capturing in incredibly small moments in great detail. The moments where I feel somehow connected to this great big world and all the implications that go along with it. Writing has become more than a chore. It's a way to create. It's a way to get to know myself through those ink smeared words spilling on the page.


  1. You are amazing. I have a similar goal to keep a daily journal and it's such a difficult thing to keep in the habit of at first. The pages of yours are so beautiful and it really is true that you have to let go of what you want your journal to be... and just write. Anything. Good luck with the rest!

  2. I love this! I think I might try a journal as well. Thank you so much for your inspiration! Your journal is beautiful! You are beyond creative.

  3. Maybe we weren't actually supposed to read the pages of your journal, but I had to skim your thoughts about the books you read this month. I tried to read The Magicians last year but couldn't get into it. I agree that the idea behind the book was great but the book itself left a lot to be desired.

    Anyway, awesome job sticking to your resolution! Most of mine have fallen by the wayside this year, but I blame that on the pregnancy :)

  4. LOVE it! I have been itching to do something like this. I want an instant camera so bad and when i get it that's what I plan on doing with the photos I take.

  5. Your journal is gorgeous! I love that it's part text and part scrapbook. I was journaling regularly at the beginning of the year but haven't in awhile...I should pick it back up!

  6. I just LOVE your journaling! I'm finding so much inspiration from it. Although I save my photos for my Project Life instead. -Jessica L

  7. I love all your journaling posts! I just started blogging my travels, but I just can't separate from the old pen and paper. I love posting up pictures, which is why I started my blog in the first place, but after seeing your journaling posts, I think I'll try to do both for my vacations from now on! You made it look so fun! I love it! Thanks!
