
Friday, January 24, 2014

book review // through the ever night

Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky series)
By: Veronica Rossi
Pages: 341
Genre: YA Literature
Jane's Rating: 10

YOU GUYS. This has been my favorite dystopian series since The Hunger Games, seriously. You must read them! I ran out of time to do a review for the first book, Under the Never Sky, since someone else had it on hold so I'll give the series overview from the first book's perspective and hopefully convince you to go check it out TODAY.

There is an "inside" and an "outside"--think Hunger Games' Capitol vs. District 12 (but possibly even more primitive). Aria leaves the inside and meets Perry, a mountain man who can scent the moods and tempers of people. He can also see superhumanly well in the dark. They despise each other. Aria is disgusted by Perry's primitive ways, and Perry hates Aria for her entitled, privileged upbringing, but they band together on a quest across the solar storm-ravaged wilderness that once was America.

Most characters in the story have incredibly interesting names: Roar, Bear, Willow, River, Paisley, Sable. I loved meeting new characters just to find out what their names were. The books also have this untamed, wild excitement because they spend so much time in the ravaged, dangerous Outside. If they're not running from cannibals wearing crow masks, they're looking for refuge from wolves or the unpredictable solar storms that tear apart the earth's landscape. It's intense.

Also, I've already picked out some of the potential movie stars that would be awesome in the film, whenever that happens.

Book #1 Under the Never Sky
Book #2 Through the Ever Night
Book #3 Into the Still Blue (Will be released at the end of January)

Favorite Lines: 
Bodies on the outside wore experiences like souvenirs.

Don't ever spare me.

She'd been seeking the comfort of place. Of walls. A roof. A pillow to rest her head on. Now she realized that the people she loved were what gave her life shape, and comfort, and meaning.


  1. Ooo!!! thank you for doing a book review! I'm in need of a new series to read :) can't wait to check it out!

  2. I love this series - can't wait for Into the Still Blue! Have you read any of the novellas set in the same universe? I enjoyed the Roar and Liv one.

  3. I had a book checked out from the library sitting on my night stand for the longest time, but was having the hardest time getting into it. Right when I decided to read something else, I came online and saw this! Thanks for reviewing this, I'm going to check it out today!
