
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

blush and gold part 2

These are my favorite images from our wedding day. My Idaho home is rooted deep in my heart, and I love it with all my soul. These hopefully give a small taste of the incredible work my parents, siblings, aunts, grandmothers, family friends, and many others put into this magical day. I see and feel their love in the details. Click here for Part 1.
These are my dad's beauties. Tess and Luna carried our reception guests up and down our long dirt driveway in a wagon since we didn't have enough room for that many cars. Some of my cousins were so entertained they just rode up and down in the wagon the whole afternoon.
My lovely sister and our dog, Jayber. What a beautiful picture, right?
We collected gold-rimmed china for months so we could serve our cake on fancy dishes.
My forever best friend flew all the way from Chicago to be with me on this day. She played and sang some of our favorite songs for us.
Gold-rimmed teapots to match the dishes.
This is my dad's greenhouse, which didn't have a role on our wedding day but I love the photo.
Cinnamon almonds were in the favor boxes. Antique doilies were another special detail we incorporated.