
Thursday, November 7, 2013

22 before 23 {recap}

Okay, so my birthday was in July but I've taken a long, much-needed break from blogging. Therefore, this recap has been delayed.

I didn't do as well as I would have liked, but I'm going to blame that on the fact that I legitimately forgot about the list in the craziness of wedding planning. That's done now, so I'm back on track and in the middle of making my new 23 before 24 list.

 Here's my recap:

1. Make an Instagram journal
2. See D.C. at Christmas - I saw Virginia at Christmas, and that's close enough for my standards.
3. Read 15 books - I'm estimating since, again, I forgot about this list. Pretty sure I read about 15 books.
4. Do 100 pushups in a row - Nope. Pushups are hard. I have improved my technique, and currently I'm even doing them on my fists because I hurt my wrist. That's an accomplishment for me.
5. Run a 5K - I ran two 5Ks last fall when I lived in Virginia.
6. Read Pride and Prejudice - HOW HAVE I STILL NOT DONE THIS. (Period, not a question mark, yes.) It's been on my goal list for at least three years now.
7. Buy Hunter boots - I'm the proud owner of a pink pair of Hunter boots.
8. Take pictures of my mom - I didn't, but Brooke got a couple really nice ones of my mama at my wedding.
9. Remember everyone's birthdays - Everyone, as in my family and Harley. I'm planning to expand that circle this year.
10. Play the piano in church - This is difficult when I don't have a piano in my living room, but I've been on the lookout for a nice keyboard on KSL.
11. Read a biography/personal memoir - Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson. Read my review of it here. And then go read it yourself.
12. Graduate - Done. BA in Communications.
13. Learn the art of palm reading - Still on my list to do.
14. Kiss someone - Bonus: I kissed my soulmate.
15. Embroider something - Not yet, but I've collected inspiration on my pinboard.
16. Surprise someone - A surprise visit on Valentine's Day. Jess loved it.
17. Get certified to teach aerobics - I've been saving my cash and I'm shooting for a December training!
18. Leave a note for a stranger - Haven't done this yet. But I have started collecting random notes and papers I find on the ground.
19. Learn how to play volleyball and soccer from Cady and Porter - I think I'll always prefer to watch.
20. Complete one of Elsie's e-courses - If "complete" means "read," then...check. I read through Elsie's Home Design and Art Journaling ecourses. Loved them. I'm excited to start my art journal.
21. Lose 2% body fat - Do you know how hard this is to measure if you don't go to a gym that has a body fat percentage measuring machine? Yeah. Don't know how close I got to that one.
22. Run a half marathon - At this point in my life, I would rather lift weights and go to Zumba than run for two or three hours, so this is on hold until I decide to shake up my workout routine again.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great list and you accomplished quite a bit of them! I've always wanted to leave notes for strangers! I think the best way for me would be to leave them in library books since I go to the library a lot! If you don't have time to read P&P, you should definitely watch The Lizzie Bennet Dairies! It's a modern day P&P and it's amazing!
