
Sunday, October 6, 2013

the ultimate cinnamon roll recipe

I posted this photo on my instagram yesterday and got a couple of requests for the recipe. I am happy to share, but not without telling you how this "ultimate cinnamon roll" recipe came to be.

My Aunt Lusia is a pretty neat lady. She is an author, avid blogger, and amazing cook- all while wrangling 6 adorable kids. About a year ago she embarked on The Great Cinnamon roll project. Normal people just google until they find one recipe deemed the "best" and leave it at that, but not Lusia. Instead she single handedly baked her way through about 10+ recipes landing on what she deemed to be the best cinnamon rolls ever. Even tweaking the recipe and using tips along the way to create the perfect mix of sweetness and fluffiness.

So you have it on good authority that this recipe is most excellent. I have tried a couple of other ones and none even come close. So  click here for the Ultimate Cinnamon Roll Recipe (pictured above) and click here to read through all of her cinnamon roll adventures.

Let me know if you make some. I would love to see how they turn out, and I am sure Lusia would too.

Happy Sunday!


  1. i have been searching for a good cinnamon roll recipe for a while! thanks so much for sharing. i can't wait to try them!

  2. Cool... I did read Lisa's post about this, but never got around to trying. I have tried others, and they didn't turn out so well... I have to see how it converts to the active yeast and danish temps.

  3. oh my gosh. cinnamon rolls are the way to my heart!
