
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Portland Instagrams

My trip to portland was so great in so many different ways. Family is what life is about you know? We spent time mini golfing, scrapbooking, and making/eating delicious food. I can't believe how much brother and sisters are growing up. It's basically unreal.

I love living in Chicago, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if I am making the right decision being so far away from everyone. With Michael's family in Denmark and mine in Portland we really don't get to see either side that often. 

There might have to be a change. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah I know the feeling- there are many times where I wonder how I would feel if I settled in another place. I felt this way after studying abroad in London and having the urge to just stay there longer. But sometimes life has plans for you otherwise. At the end of the day, family is family and they'll be happy for you no matter what. I love your instagram photos- the lego couple is just too cute! Happy Weekend to you!

    Simply Akshara
