
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

h&j blog evolution

Something exciting took place yesterday... we got a new blog design! This has been in the works for a while and we are thrilled to finally have it live. We approached the lovely Kalee over at FredRongo and she has made us so very happy.

We thought in honor of our band new facelift that we would take a little walk down memory lane. So here we are. All of the previous Harley and Jane designs for your viewing pleasure.

The very VERY beginning:
Jane hand drew this one when we literally knew nothing about blogging. We just scanned it into the computer and tweaked the colors. Boy was it a struggle trying to get it centered.
When we kind of got more serious:
When we started blogging regularly we decided we needed a change. Jane got a Polaroid camera for christmas and we couldn't wait to test it out. The first few didn't exactly work, but we couldn't throw them away either. Jane doodled our blog initials on them and we scanned them in and made it our header. 

Then we decided to get some help:
After over a year of the polaroids we decided to have Bri over at thesecretlifeofbee help us. A totally cute and crafty header really capturing where we were at that point. The maps, of course, pointing back to our lovely time in Vienna. 

Until yesterday morning:
After tiring of the vast array of colors in our old header, we went for something really simple and streamlined. 

And now we are here:
We really couldn't be happier! That that adorable little daisy crown photo was taken on our study abroad in vienna, where we met, where we became friends, and where we made daisy crowns in the alps. It might be a little too perfect. You can also check out our new about section here!
We hope you love it as much as we do. Thanks for reading! 

p.s. to celebrate we would like to offer 25% off our ad space. check out your options here and use the code - newbloglove to claim your discount!


  1. i love love your new blog design!!! Kalee is one talented gal! :) love reading this blog! x


  3. sometimes it's nice to add in some color! :)

  4. your new design is the best!!! It's simple and clean, but still captures who you are!

  5. i love love love it! it looks so stinking good!


  6. Love it! It also makes me want a new design despite the fact that I feel like I JUST redid mine.

    In other news, I taught a relief society class on blogging/journaling last night and your tips were so helpful to me as I prepared. I felt pretty good about the class until the very end when an old woman raised her hand and said "I don't even know what a blog is." And then I was like "..." and sat down.

  7. I loved all the designs! The first one was so cute, too!

    Ana Paula
    {Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}

  8. ooh, diggin' the new layout, you two ;) really great design.

    xoxo, Oleah

  9. This looks so great! I loved seeing your blog design evolution!

    Ladyface Blog

  10. I know I'm kind of late,but I just saw your new design and it's just so beautiful,especially your profile pic.Love it!
