
Saturday, August 3, 2013

our 2 year anniversary

some days are wonderful. and some days are extra wonderful. why is it when you put extra effort into loving your spouse that life in general just seems easier. 

monday 7/29/2013 was an easy day. 

on sunday night we went to bed really late so i let the alarm snooze a few too many times. when i finally woke up it wasn't to my alarm, but to the smoke detector! i turned over to ask michael what was going on and he wasn't there. in my drunken sleep stupor i was so confused and then all of a sudden that lovely man of mine brought me french toast in bed. i love french toast. 

then we had to go to work. 

but then work was over and we got to hang out! we went home and changed out of our work clothes. i think we are subconsciously starting to dress like each other. maybe we just own too much chambray? 

i think the greatest part of the whole day was the lack of pressure. money is a little tight for us at the moment so we agreed not to do gifts and some dear friends of ours had given us a gift card for dinner (and delicious macarons! our chicago friends show us so much love). there was a little bit of a wait at the restaurant so we went and walked around Oz park. it is one of our favorite places in chicago. there is a house there that we call our dream house and if we ever had an extra 2 million dollars we would totally buy it. 

dinner was delicious. tapas for the win. we talked and laughed for almost 2 hours. i don't remember the last time we got to connect like that sans cell phones, work, and church callings. we laughed a lot. then we headed over to the landmark cinema to see the way way back. this movie is seriously so fantastic.

such a great night with a fantastic husband. i love you honey! 

also... we took 2 year anniversary pictures last friday and i can't wait to see them. 
xoxo, harley


  1. Congratulations! How sweet for you two. Looks like a fantastic time - and I'm desperate to see The Way Way Back! It looks adorable.


  2. I love that you do anniversary pictures every year! Congrats on two years and I hope this next year is wonderful to you both!

    In other news, Scott and I have not seen a movie in the theater since before Owen was born (it's been more than a full year!) and I am campaigning HARD to mark our return to the theaters with the way way back. Scott remains unconvinced.

  3. Yay, happy anniversary! Sounds like you guys had an amazing time celebrating!

    Ladyface Blog

  4. I can't believe you've been married for two years!! Congrats :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! I love that last picture of you too. It is adorable.

