
Monday, July 8, 2013

what harley wore: as close to edgy as i get

shirt: concert tee // skirt: anthro (way old) // boots: steve madden

remember when that whole disastrous white paint thing happened? well i am happy to report that this is the skirt that was ruined back from the grave. my husbands paint removing abilities are magical i tell you. i wore this for a little walk around our neighborhood. skirts are the only way to beat the heat now that the midwest has decided it's summer time. michael and i go for a walk every sunday and i love it. since i spend most of sunday in meetings it is really nice to get our and use those muscles God gave me. on a side note- i totally did a yoga class on saturday and i was pretty sure that those classes were not supposed to leave you sore, but i can barely lift up my arms people! hope you had a great extended weekend. i am so not ready for it to be monday. 


linking up here:


  1. Cool skirt! It's too hot in NY for anything other than skirts and dresses too!
    Sincerely, Sara

  2. love this skirt. so glad you got the paint off!

  3. Ooo I love it! Everytime I try "edgy" I feel like I fail miserably. I'm just such a girly girl :) That skirt is so pretty and perfect for the darker edgy look!
    Visiting from the Sunday Style link-up!

  4. The perfect ounce of edginess! ;)

    Thank you for choosing to link up with Style Sessions!

    Lauren xx
