
Monday, July 15, 2013

michael turns 27

this kid.
i met michael when he was 23. after doing the math it was hard to believe that i have known him for four years. it feels extremely short and long all at the same time. i am so thankful that he is in my life. he makes me laugh more than anyone else in the world. he is my best friend.

to celebrate his special day we started off with a traditional danish birthday morning. this included waking michael up around 8, singing to him extremely loud in danish, and having him open all his presents. then we watched New Girl per his request. after watching almost the entire season i made him french toast before we headed off to the movies to see Pacific Rim. so much better than i anticipated. then we walked around Roscoe Village and enjoyed the gorgeous weather chicago graced us with. then we had dinner reservations set up at a persian place for dinner. the food was insanely good. we were surrounded by our friends. and michael felt loved. sometimes holidays are hard in a city with no family close by, but we are really blessed to have so many good people that have welcomed us into their lives. after dinner we headed back to our little apartment for cake and ice cream. i made michael a cake that his mom used to make him growing up and i totally didn't screw it up. in fact, michael says that it tasted exactly like his mom's used too. a win for the home team.

overall it was a success. michael said it was the best BIRTHDAY EVER. so either he was being really nice, or it really was. either way i am glad because i just love him a lot and i really want him to know that.

now a birthday picture overload for your enjoyment. and michael's mothers.

// gotta have decorations? am i right? //
// the danes love their danish flags on birthdays //
// boy presents //
// breakfast french toast is the best french toast //
// going to see Pacific Rim //

// birthday boy in his birthday hat with his birthday cake //
twas a great great day.


  1. I loved this! Years ago I served with Michael's mom in the quaint little city, Chicoutimi. She posted this link on her fb wall and I am so glad I clicked on it and stopped by. :D

  2. Aw, this looks like so much fun! Happy birthday to Michael!

    Ladyface Blog

  3. Happy birthday, Michael! You do birthdays best, my friend.

  4. OK, name of the wind is a totally good book. And, this all sounds like a really fabulous day.
