
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

what harley wore: may eighth

shoes: thrifted // pants: tommy // shirt: thrifted // necklace: anthro

yesterday i was totally sick. soar throat. achy. i spent the whole day watching hulu and doing laundry-- in between my naps of course. then by some miracle i woke up this morning healed! welcome back to the fully functioning adult world. i definitely didn't take a picture of my outfit yesterday... but i'll give you a hint... it consisted of pajama shorts and a sweater. sexy right? my outfit today is much more appealing i think. 

are you doing the #ootdeverydaymay challenge? 


  1. That is a very cute, casual look! I am loving the chunky ball necklace- figures, it's from anthro! -Jessica L

  2. That Anthro necklace is awesome! Ties together the whole look. Love it!

    The Pretty Pinhead

  3. Adorable! Love the colour of the shirt!

  4. I hope you feel better. Those kinds of days are never any fun but your style is awesome. Come and link up on Friday's for Passion for Fashion. <3
