
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

what jane wore // green for spring

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It's the beginning of April and time for a Happiness Project update. Last month was all about going back to the basics. I was feeling overwhelmed and my routine was suffering. When the routine suffers, so does everything else. 

I've decided to focus April on lightening my mood (inspired by Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project). Here are the goals:

Be easy to please
Crank up my energy
Look for ways to help
Speak with good cheer

The four are taken from her November Resolutions, since they seem to match what I need right now. We've got a full and exciting month ahead! Only two weeks left of college, graduation, and then I get to move into the apartment Jess and I will live in after we get married in June. Jess and I haven't lived in the same town since we were seniors in high school -- five years ago. Hopefully we'll know what do do with ourselves when we live so close.

What goals will you make for April? It's spring, the perfect time to refocus your energies on something. Do it right now! Here are some ideas if you need help in pinning down a few goals: January // February // March.

build animated gif


  1. perfect boots! I never have boots because I have no idea how to wear them. you have give me some ideas, I can purchase one now.

    Have a blessing week,

  2. i love your goals for the month, all things that i could definitely use practice with! oh and i'm adoring your skirt! ever since having to dress up for work this year i've been coveting work wear everywhere i go!

  3. Love the goals for this month. I have never made monthly goals, but I've been reading quite a bit about the successes of those who do. It may be something I need to try.
    Love that plaid shirt!

  4. I am loving those boots and your goals, especially to Speak with Good Cheer :)
    Good luck to you :)

  5. This outfit looks great on you girl! -Sarah @

  6. Can I just say how much I love your header? So adorable! And my goal for this month is to spend more time outside.

    Would love if you stopped by my blog! :)


  7. I have a new baby, would love to set a goal to enjoy him and SLEEP. Love your green.

    Marie @
    Lemondrop ViNtAge

    I am having a fabulous giveaway right here.

  8. Last week I was doing great at working out and being more active... this week I'm just tired! Dang... I need to try to crank up my energy again!

  9. Your hair is gorgeous and your outfit is adorable! I am your newest follower from the Friend Connect Blog Hop :)

    Justina @

  10. Great look. I love the plaid and the boots!
    I just finished the Happiness Project last month. I thought it was really an interesting read! Glad your happiness project is going well so far!
    I'm a new follower from the bloglovin hop!

  11. Love love love the outfit!! That skirt is too cute. Thanks for co-hosting the blog hop; I'm a new follower!

  12. oooh, i love that green! it's so cheery!
