
Friday, March 29, 2013

journal prompt // things that feel like home

this is slightly unreadable, so here's what i wrote.

  1. soda springs
  2. jess
  3. hot chocolate
  4. chocolate chip cookies
  5. christmas trees
  6. wood smoke
  7. the sound of a zipper
  8. games
  9. the county fair
  10. twinkle lights
  11. any quilt at all
  12. real simple magazine
  13. hot dinner
  14. telling stories in the dark
  15. finishing a book
  16. byu
  17. vienna
  18. my grandparents' house
  19. a picnic + frisbee
  20. freckles
  21. "monster's inc."
  22. "a river runs through it"
  23. "titanic"
  24. turbo jam
  25. mowing the lawn
  26. doing dishes by hand
  27. cheesecake
  28. snuggling in warm covers
  29. my moleskine journal
  30. soda springs high school
  31. aspen trees
  32. bike rides
  33. ice skating
  34. scrapbooking
  35. a beautiful mess blog
  36. elsie's ecourses
  37. my honda civic
  38. potpourri for the stove
  39. oversized sweaters
  40. back scratches
  41. sleeping bags on a hike
  42. my day planner
  43. road trips
challenge for the week: loving jess to death.

linking up here.


  1. I nominated you for the Liebster blog award :)
    xo Jessika

  2. oh so excited to find this project and in turn your blog (which is fabulous by the way)...i just cant read this letter which is a shame xxx

  3. what a fun list - love this! new follower from the blog hop :)

  4. Hi Harley & Jane! Wow, I have a serious crush on your blog! Really looking forward to reading more of your posts and following along!

    xo Raechel

  5. Hi there! Visiting from the link up ;)
    Happy Easter!
    xo- Kaara @ In the Kitch with Kaara

  6. Hi!! Just found your blog through the collective blog hop and am now your newest GFC and Bloglovin' follower!! Would love a follow back :))


  7. Love your blog. Seriously. I mean it. :) Alice @

  8. Oh I love this list, especially sleeping bags on hikes!!

    New follower via GFC & Bloglovin from the hop :)

    Ange from Hairspray and High Heels

  9. Hi, I'm a new follower from the blog hop! Thanks for hosting. I love this list you put together, makes me think of home too!
