
Sunday, March 17, 2013

journal prompt // 52 lists- cleansing

Linking up with Mooreaseal this week for the journal prompt. List the ways you cleanse for Spring! I was super excited for this list because it falls right in line with my goals for the year- declutter my life. Just last night I threw away a pair of shorts and a cardigan. How liberating. Now to tackle the closet. THE closet. It is piled high with boxes that we never unpacked after we moved 6 months ago. I have no idea what is in there-- but I will get to it THIS MONTH. 

Hold me to it lovlies. 



  1. I've been doing some spring cleaning (so much dust!) and decluttering and it feels so great. Good luck!

  2. OMG!I`m already 3 weeks behind with the 52 lists,gonna start with that just this week!
    Your handwriting is just stunning!And I love how you displayed your list,especially the little mint vintage car!I`m looking for one of these for quiet a while!


  3. de-cluttering is the best even if it just one or two items! my closet is now under control - thanks to selling some stuff on ebay and packing up a big box of stuff for the charity shop - it's all my papers (bank statements, tax stuff, bills etc) that are in desperate need of a spring clean - im dreading it!
    p.s liking the illustrated list :)

  4. This is such a good list! I have to organize my closet badly and I like the idea of getting some plants!! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  5. Great goals - and I really love the handwriting!
    Also, I just read 'become a toaster under the counter-' and thought, is that some kind of metaphor...
    and then read 'type of person.' Ha, now it makes sense.

  6. I love this list! Thanks for co-hosting the GFC blog hop! I'm a new follower, and I look forward to reading future posts!
    XO, Rachel
    With Love, Rachel

  7. What a fun way to journal! I love your list. I just cleaned out mine and hubby's closet and it feels SO much better- I'm thinking about going in for a second round! :)

  8. First of all, your journal prompts are always gorgeous. The pictures are so beautiful.

    Second, YES to shaving my legs! Now that it's spring, I need to get wayyy better. But really. haha

  9. Just found your blog from the blog hop! The no more diet coke.. I could not do! I love my dirt coke way too much!!

  10. oh mahgoodness....i just adore your list! Mainly because I can relate on SO many levels! haha!
    i'm a new your space here! ;)

  11. That's a great list! Love all your little doodles!
