
Friday, March 22, 2013

how to make a memory jar by Lost in Travels

Hey there! I'm Chelsea and I blog over at Lost in Travels. After my man and I got hitched two years ago, we started getting cold sweats every time we even thought about ‘settling down’ in our hometown. We wanted to do something out of the ordinary, something adventurous. We wanted to spend our lives traveling the globe. So what did we do? Sold all of our belongings that wouldn’t fit in two 50-pound bags and took the first flight to South Korea to teach English to snot nosed adorable little kids and never looked back!

This past New Years, I did something out of the ordinary. I actually made goals for myself. Let's face it, I always have the intention of making goals but then I just get lazy (who wants to stick to a goal of going to the gym everyday when you could curl up on the couch and watch reruns?) So this year my husband and I sat down and made some goals that we were excited about completing. Lists of where we wanted to travel, new restaurants we wanted to try, things we were excited about and wouldn't feel like a burden to complete. Among those goals was a little project of my own, a memory jar. A jar that we could keep all the small moments that are so often over looked or forgotten. The goal is to write down certain memories, large or small, throughout the year and then on New Years, open the jar and read them aloud together. 

I wanted the jar to look like another piece of decoration, not just  random jar filled with tiny slips of paper. 
So to make the memory jar I:

.Bought a glass jar large enough to fill to the brim with little pieces of paper where we would write our memories from the year. I also got glass crayon to write 'memories', a hot glue gun to trace the letters and some white spray paint. 

.I then took the glass crayon and wrote where I wanted 'memories' to be.

.I used the hot glue gun to go over the tracing.

.Lastly, I spray painted the jar and added some twine to the top.

How are your New Years Resolutions going? Be sure to stop by my blog where I talk about our daily lives as expats in the land of kimchi and our world travel adventures. Be sure to say hi, I would love to hear from you!


  1. I love this idea! Your memory jar turned out so cute!
    Wow I'm amazed that you dropped life here to go serve with your husband abroad.
    Very cool.
    I would love to do something like that with my honey too someday. :)

  2. LOVE! I always wanted to do something like this, and we bought on of those 10 year journals which we hardly ever write in! This is such a fabulous idea and I love how she's made it so pretty!
