
Thursday, February 21, 2013

diy: winter hands lotion

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I asked my hairstylist how she keeps her hands from getting so dry when she's washing and coloring hair all day long, and she let me in on her miracle lotion recipe. It's intense stuff and will banish cracking heels and hands, flaky legs, and bumpy upper arms.
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Winter Hands Lotion
16 oz Johnson's baby lotion
8 oz Vaseline with cocoa butter
8 oz vitamin e cream
(You can find these at the dollar store, Wal-Mart, or even the grocery store.)
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A couple things to remember: 
(1) The vitamin e cream comes in 16 oz, so either only use half, or buy two Vaselines and two baby lotions. 
(2) The baby lotion comes in 15 oz, so just put in a few squirts of another basic lotion. I used the Kirkland brand hand lotion.
Pour each bottle into a big bowl and use a spatula to get everything out. Whip them together for about 3 minutes with a hand mixer until the mixture is fluffy. To make things easy, you can spoon it back into the original containers; otherwise, be creative. little Mason jars, Ziplock containers, whatever you'd like.
Next time I make a batch, I'm going to try putting in some essential oils to make it smell like citrus or something.


  1. You read my mind...My hands are so grossly dry lately! I need something else to help! I'll try this out this weekend!! Thanks for the help!!

    Ergo - Blog

  2. such a great idea! and so cheap! thanks for sharing!

  3. Hmm, that's actually super cool, DIYing hand lotion...

  4. I need to try this, and possibly for my legs. My legs are thee driest part of my body!!

  5. Where do you get your hair cut? It always looks really nice.

  6. How long does the lotion last for? Like if I were to make it now for a xmas present would it last?
