
Sunday, February 24, 2013

blueberry muffins on a sunday morning

michael and i have started this new tradition that we absolutely love. every sunday morning we make ourselves a delicious breakfast. whether it is pancakes, eggs, muffins or french toast we make sure that we start our sundays off the best way possible. since we don't have church until 1pm it often turns into a brunch-- which we also love. sleeping in + breakfast is a winning combination. 

here is the recipe that i used for the muffins. do you have any sunday traditions?



  1. I wish I could reach through the computer screen and grab one- these look SOOO yummy!

  2. What a cute tradition to start!! These muffins look super yummy!! =)


  3. My husband and I used to do this but now that we have 8 am church we barely have time to eat anything!

    Also, how many wards are there in downtown Chicago? I always wonder if you go to church with my sister.

  4. That sounds like a wonderful tradition that we should have done when we had 1 o'clock church as well. Now we're at 9 o'clock and it's been hard/ fun the only tradition we have is eating a lot and then napping all afternoon. it's divine ;)

  5. yumm! those look so good! we have a tradition of syrup saturdays. my husband goes crazy over breakfast and especially maple syrup so we make sure to make something good to start off the weekend!

  6. love the tradition- I'm so lazy on weekend mornings. I should start something like that though. Beautiful photos- popped over from the GFC collective. New follower!

  7. yum, yum, and yum! usually the weekends are the only time we are able to actually make breakfast and sit down to enjoy it. usually french toast or pancakes are our favorites! new follower and glad to have found your creative spot on the web;)


  8. Those muffins look so good! Found you from the blog hop and now following!

    Hated on the Playground

  9. Those look delicious! Thanks for following, followed back!

    Summer x
