
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

an orange skirt, some gold, and a sweater

sweater: anthro // shirt: asos // skirt: anthro // tights: ross // shoes: macy*s 

i'm in a style rut my friends. whenever i get dressed i feel so boring. this blog is by no means a style blog, but i really like capturing my outfits because it freezes that moment in time for me. i associate memories with clothing. anyone else like that?

this is the first look that i have actually liked in a while. so here it is for the world to see. my husband took these pictures and i am blown away by all of the progress he has made in the photography department. i feel so blessed that i have his support in this little blogging endeavor. 

and that is all i have to say so i guess i am also in a bit of a word rut as well. maybe i'll try and write you a story later. maybe. 



  1. love the skirt and that tee is pretty cool too!x

  2. that gold top is so fun! i love it :)

  3. I love that top! So fun! You look great lovey!

  4. hes a fantastic photographer! love the look ecspecially the mix of gold and burgandy! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @

  5. I am in love with that skirt. Great outfit too! I definitely find myself falling into ruts as well. Sometimes a fun new wardrobe piece is needed to spruce things up. :)

  6. i'm glad we're on the same page. i definitely feel like i'm in a style rut as well.

  7. This is so dang good!! I love it. The minute I saw it i thought of anthro, so quirky and feminine. Best combo ever! Hope you can come out of the style rut or i think you just did because you kill it with this one :)

  8. Oh and your hair? Cuteness too!

  9. Oh your cardigan is so cute!


  10. What a great outfit! That gold pop is a really great idea. I host a style link party every Monday and would love for you to join!

  11. The gold is so fun and I love that skirt! Thanks for linking up :)

  12. Charming Karen millen dresses are great when you can dress them around. You can wear the crooks to the beach or from a first date. Women's skirts are great as they are lightweight and easy to set on.
