
Monday, January 14, 2013

happiness project update

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It's only been a few days since I posted my Happiness Project goals for January, but Harley and I decided i would be a good thing to start giving updates more consistently--hopefully helping ourselves stay on track and, ideally, inspiring other people to continue their own New Year resolutions. As a reminder, here are my January goals: 

January (Energy)
Go to sleep earlier.
Work out.
No sugar.
Use my daybook.
Tidy up.
Don't procrastinate.
Act the way I want to feel.

The measurable goals (curfew, working out, no sugar, using my to-do list, and tidying up) have been easier to remember and keep, but the others are more difficult to remember during the day. I printed out one of Gretchen Rubin's downloads to keep track of my daily progress with a simple check mark or X, which is also keeping me much more accountable than if I were to simply keep my goals tucked away in my journals.

I have not been perfectly consistent on any of them, but an earlier curfew and no sugar have already made a difference in the way I feel, day to day. My boyfriend and my sister came to visit this weekend, and I was exhausted and ready to sleep by 11--not much of a party animal, I am. As far as no sugar goes, keep your eyes peeled for a 5 Tips post. I feel like many of you would love to participate in something like that but don't have the faith in yourself to go that long without sugar. Harley and I have done it so many times, we've come up with a pretty good idea of how to make a 30-day sugar fast bearable.
Are you still keeping up on your own resolutions?


  1. i LOVE this!!


  2. I started reading this book the other day after you mentioned it, conincidently I'm already doing a no sugar January with a support group on Facebook. It's going great! Good luck with your goals.

    Bettina @

  3. I can't wait for the tips on no sugar! Me and my husband are trying and failing (well I'm failing, he's a rockstar). I just can't not put sugar in my coffee!

  4. I just got done eating graham crackers with fluffy white frosting.. so a 5 Tips post will be amazingly beneficial for me! Hahaha... This is such a good idea!

    This Lovely Little Day

  5. i'm in starting today. done done done. just sweets right? can i still have bread?
