
Sunday, December 30, 2012

two year engage-iversary

Two years ago today Michael proposed to me in snowy Denmark. I had no idea it was coming. I don't think I have ever shared any pictures from that magical day-- I don't even think I have told you how it happened.

Michael flew me over to Denmark over Christmas break to meet his family. We had scheduled this particular Thursday for site seeing. We started off at the Danish Royal castle, then headed into the city to catch a glimpse of the little mermaid statue. I should have known something was up because Michael forgot about feeding us breakfast or lunch and he had on dress shoes. We spent the entire morning snacking on gummies. 

When we arrived in the city we met up with his parents and started walking towards the water. At this point in my life I was in denial that I needed glasses so I didn't have any on. Everything farther than 10 feet away was blurry. As we got closer to the little mermaid statue I noticed a huge crowd and thought, "For a cold december day there are sure a lot of tourists here."

Suddenly a man appeared with a bundle of Roses. Michael walked up to him and started haggling price. He then "pretended" to buy the whole bunch! (It was one of his friends posing as a flower merchant) So now I had 100 roses under my arm. I was just like, WHO IS THIS KID?! So we proceeded to get in front of the little mermaid statue and it was slippery as all get out. As we were maneuvering our way down the little hill Michael slid onto one knee.  

I was like....... WHAT. IS. HAPPENING. 

A cheer goes up from behind me. I turn around and then realize that all of the "tourists" are not actually tourists -- they are his family and friends. I sink down in the snow to his level, slide off my glove, and say yes. He slides a beautiful three stone ring onto my finger and we were engaged. Just like that. 

That morning at the castle...

Then at the little mermaid Statue... These are the people I thought were tourists!


  1. Oh I LOVE denmark, how freakin' special right by the little mermaid statue too - great great story!


  2. that is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh!!! Why does his family live in Denmark? Is he 100% Danish?!

  3. Eeeeeee! I am in love with your blog. Two very lovely, talented ladies. Your newest follower!

    Harley, thank you so much for stopping my blog and leaving a little love. I hope to see you around Standpipe and Sprinkles again!

    I have actually been to the exact spot where your Michael proposed, so I can imagine the scene so vividly (of course, you've also provided us with these fun photos). Have you spent much time with his family since then? The Danes are such fun people!

    Looking forward to getting to know you and Jane. Happy New Year!

  4. Ohhhh, how sweet and lovely!
    Happy New Year to both of you lovely gals! I look forward to a new year of following your adventures!


  5. oh, this post makes me so happy! i can't stop smiling. yea i know, creepy and stalkerish but i can't help it! such a great proposal!

    happy new year! xx
