
Thursday, December 6, 2012

the countdown

Look at that hair! That's what you get when you put two crazy girls on a static-y trampoline in the middle of summer. Clown heads.
The countdown is on.
I've never gone this long without seeing my little Sil (or any of my family, for that matter). She and my mom are flying out here to Virginia, and then we'll drive our way back across the country with a couple fun stops along the way. Keep your fingers crossed that this summer weather will hold out so we can make it home before Christmas!
Everyone asks me if I'm sad about leaving. I am, it's always sad to close the door on chapters of life, but I have a wanderlusty soul and I'm ready for what's next. I'm on the cusp of something incredible; I can feel it tingling in my heart.



  1. Get it girl! You go for what you want. That's just plain awesome. XOXO your newest follower :)

  2. Good luck with the move and the newest chapter of your life! It will be so exciting.

    Oh and since we are swapping this month, what do I need to send over to you ladies? Or is there a code I need to get from you to put my button up?

  3. Have fun with the move! Siblings are the best and adventures are great for more stories! :)

  4. LOVE road trips with the fam! Hope you guys have a blast!
