
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

some days are peachy

Photobucket 1MeH
We may have already posted this little guy, but repeat or not, we're feeling nostalgic.

Harley and I became Harley & Jane when we met on our study abroad in Vienna (you can read the extended version of this story here: Part I and Part II). Early on in our prep course we separately scouted out potential friends, not including each other. First impressions, you know?

Fate played her cards, and we were paired together as roommates. We got used to the idea, even if we were still a little intimidated. Turns out, however, we were inseparable from the day we landed in Europe and became better friends than we anticipated. We had late-night chats in our greenhouse of an attic, were late to school together, went exploring, jogged in the woods, and sweated our way through the city every day.

We often chatted about lovely things that inspired us and soon were toying with the thought of creating a joint blog to house the inspiration and ideas. Plus, we realized, it would be a great way to stay in touch with each other when life happened and we were no longer roommates.

Upon returning to the US and after months of brainstorming and preparation, our friend (and most loyal supporter) threatened us into finally taking the leap. So we did.

Harley & Jane has become everything we planned -- the parlor for our thoughts, revelations, adventures, and flashes of beauty in our incredible lives, and most importantly, a way to keep in touch. Essentially, we blog to keep a record of our friendship.



  1. My best friend Danielle met when we roomates in college! Isn't true friendship nice? I'm glad you guys met & became friends & started this adorable blog! Can't wait to read more!

    P.S. Love your skirt! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  2. Such a neat story!
    I'm putting the "extended version" on my reading list for after finals ;)

  3. Your blog is so darn cute Harley and Jane! Love this outfit, such a fun look :) And love the story, so excited you've been able to make this blog yours!


  4. Lovely words and the blog is fab:)

  5. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog ;)
    A boardgame sounds really cool!I bet he will love it!
    Hmmm,I thin I'm gonna buy mine one of those cute and cozy Norwegian sweaters and force him to wear it,well when he`s here with me.
    By the way,your blog looks very cute ;D
    Like it


  6. Hey, new follower from Blog Hop over at Our Reflection. Such an awesome story, I can't wait to check out your blog some more! :)


  7. Love this colour!!

    Do you want to follow each other?

    Check out my blog:
