
Monday, December 24, 2012

journal prompt // write about your family's holiday traditions

A few years ago my parents came downstairs on Christmas Eve after we kids had already put on our new pajamas and gotten tucked into our makeshift beds (we all sleep in the living room) to watch Home Alone. We all chatted about Christmas for a bit before my dad said with a smirk, "Anyone want to run outside in the snow barefoot? Anyone think they can get all the way to the trampoline?"
And thus began our favorite Christmas Eve tradition. 

After the typical festivities, we take off our socks, hike up our new pj pants, and on the count of three we take off into the night. In recent years we've created a scoring system where we earn points depending on how far we run, how long we stay out, and if the crunchy first layer of snow manages to draw blood. And draw blood it does. Self-destructive, perhaps, but somehow this is the tradition my siblings and I anticipate the most for 364 days of the year. 


  1. That. Is. Awesome.
    Wish we had snow here in Texas to be able to do that. Hahaha..

    Merry Christmas! :)

  2. I love in Christmas movies there are those moments where you can see a director or a writers family tradition shine through...I could totally picture your family tradition in one of those beautiful moments that makes your heart smile in a Xmas film! =)

    My family tradition is to make cookies together and make funnel cake for breakfast! Love it! =)

    If I don't get to comment again, Merry Christmas to you & Harley!

    Ergo - Blog

  3. Oh my GOSH this is absolutely the most adorable and unique tradition. I would love to see pics of this :)

  4. what a cute tradition! so nice to spend the holidays with family. xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @

  5. Hahahaha,this sounds funny!
    I wish we had such funny and cute traditions,but we normally stick to a good meal,some champagne and gifts :D

