
Monday, December 17, 2012

journal prompt // what music would raise you from the dead?

if you have been reading meg's blog you might know the story of finding ella. if not i suggest you get over there immediately because that girl can write. she inspired this journal prompt with her thoughtful words. 

music is something i intend to focus on in the coming year. my guitar and i have become reacquainted and the idea of creation-- the idea of producing something uniquely yours is extraordinary. i always tell people that in another life i would have been a rockstar. this week i found myself thinking, "well... why not this life?" i don't know if i will ever reach worldwide renown, but i will have my amateur youtube videos posted for the world to see. i was scared but now i'm not. that idea of reaching perfection before i start sharing my music is ridiculous. the journey we are all on is what fundamentally unites us. 

music. words, ideas, strength, hope, passion, sadness--put to melody. few things can connect human beings faster. 

in 2010 i was living in vienna. i saw jonsi perform live and it has surpassed any show that i have seen before or since. if i was dead and only one song could be played in order to revive me this would be it. and it would be an old abandoned warehourse. with black walls. one drop screen. and drums that vibrate your entire being. 


  1. I didn't see if there was somewhere to link it, so mine is here:

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Happy Holidays. Visiting from Thee Networking Blog Hop! Please visit my blog & follow if you haven't already. :)


  3. love this post!
    and anything john lennon for me. <3

  4. I feel the same way about music! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @
