
Friday, December 7, 2012

hear ye hear ye-- a virtual book club there shall be!

shoes: marshalls // pants: loft // shirt: madewell // sweater: loft // hat: loft
the day after thanksgiving i may have gone a little crazy at the loft- everything was 50% off, plus i got an extra 15% off! score of the century. also these pants are the only pants in the history of pants that fit me perfectly.

The people have spoken- you have spoken! A virtual book club won by a landslide. Huzzah and claps for all. So to get this party started, we have a few items of business:

1. What book should we read?
2. How long should we have to read said book?
3. After 1+2 have been accomplished we will pick a time for a Google hang out!

Now you must know beforehand that this Google hang out will most likely be awkward at first, because, well, in real life I tend to makes things that way. But we will push through it and be best friends forever.


So either leave your suggestions as comments or email me at and we will get the ball rolling. I am excited!


ps. i wore this outfit to the renegade craft fair last weekend in Chi-town. There were a million people there. I ended up scoring some adorable hand made gifts though so I can't complain. Have you ever been to the renegade before?


  1. YAY!!!
    I'll stay tuned for more information. I don't really have an idea for a book, but I think reading time should be 2-4 weeks for a whole book. That way everyone has enough time to get it done! Yay!!!

  2. One book a month? And then if that seems to be an infinitely large amount of time - add more in between. Yay reading!

    I have a huge list of books on my to-do list, I'll have to look through it for suggestions.

  3. Book Clubs are so much fun! I co-host one with a couple of other bloggers and we LOVE it!

  4. Dispirited...I bet you could get the author to speak to your group....

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You girls are too cute! :D

  6. so cute! love that collar. have fun with your book club :) let me know what you're reading, maybe i'll join in!

  7. Some "book club approved" books - The Book Thief, cutting for stone, and a tree grows in Brooklyn, are all suggestions I hear often. If I wanted to recommend one that I have read lately ( and I'm an English Literature major so there's a few haha) I may recommend The God of Small Things, The Hungry Tide, or the Calcutta Chromosome.
    As far as time goes, I would suggest 2 weeks for a short book, a month for anything longish.

  8. I heard a great book that isn't fictional is "Cinderella Ate My Daughter" by Peggy Orenstein

  9. Book clubs are fun but I have no idea what book to read!! Regardless I'll join you all when it starts!

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  10. Thanks for stopping my blog. I went to my first ever book club meet up last week...although none of us had actually managed to finish the book! So it may be a bit ambitious for me to join another one...but I'll keep tuned in to see what you pick :)

  11. how exciting! I hereby recommend (fiercely) To Kill A Mockingbird. Staying tuned for more information!

  12. I would love to be in this book club...
    Always wanted to be in one,because I love books...
    Really great idea girls


  13. Hi Harley & Jane =)

    Thanks for commenting on my blog - I'm a new follower of yours now =) I love this outfit Harley and I've been scrolling through all your posts and the rest of your blog is amazing too!!!

