
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

what harley wore: eshakti dress review

dress: c/o eshakti

I was thrilled when Eshakti asked me to review a dress for them. I chose the tiered point dress-- It was ultimately the little scallops around the neckline that won me over. With a bunch of fancy holidays coming up I thought that this would be a great way to showcase my classier side. Plus who doesn't love a little black dress? Eshakti is great because they allow you to customize your order. Instead of having 3/4 sleeves I opted for elbow length that way the dress could transition into spring a little better. 

I wore this outfit on my birthday date to see the musical Les Miserables. The night was perfect. 

photos by michael.   


  1. This dress is so darling! And Les Miserables? You are only lucky duck! Hope you had a great birthday!

  2. So cute! Great choice on the dress!

  3. Great choice. Love the scalloped edges.

  4. okay, i get that you're focusing on the dress, but i canNOT stop staring at your hair. i love it.

  5. So darling! Sounds like a perfect night. Are you going to see the movie? I tear up just watching the trailer.
