
Monday, November 12, 2012

journal prompt // i spend a lot of time in my living room

-write about a room you spend a lot of time in-

I spend the most awake time in my living room. 

The walls are grey and the carpet is new. I was really excited to redecorate upon our move to Chicago. However, I did not anticipate how devastating said move would be to my bank account. Good-bye anthropologie dreams. Hello making old things work. I was lucky Target got a bunch of cute stuff in that then proceeded to go on drastic sale. 

At one point we decided to sell our couch, but then Heaven intervened and we decided to take it with us. For that I am thankful. If we would have left it in Provo I am pretty sure we would still be sitting on the floor. It is a black leather futon contraption- It isn't very comfortable. The word contraption never leads to comfort. Michael only wanted to have a couch in the living room, but I insisted that we have a chair as well. Everyone should have a good reading chair. Ours came from ikea, like most everything else we own. It was 69 dollars. On that chair sits a down cream pillow with a bicycle print. I have bought five new pillows for the living room. Michael hates pillows because they always end up on the floor, but to me pillows mean possiblily. Manageable change. Life. Luxury in moderation.

One time someone visiting us sat down with a little bit too much force and almost fell over, but it suits me just fine. 

Gold. Black. Grey. Yellow. Cream. 

There is one small window and no overhead light. At night we turn on two lamps and light candles. It is pretty cozy. 

I bought a scratch map to hang on the wall so Michael and I could scratch off all of the countries that we have visited together. We haven't started scratching yet. I think when I start I'll long for adventure even more than I do now. So for now it will stay untouched. Attached to the wall by a boarder of Washi tape- the poor mans new frame. 

Things don't quite have their place yet. Making space for things is gratifying, but until you know that the pillow always goes on the left side of the couch or that the shoes belong on the shoe rack under the window in the kitchen everything just feel cluttered. Blankets, pillows, shoes, and clothes are generally scattered all over anything. Unless someone is coming over. Then it is clean. 

I can't wait to spend time cleaning and organizing. I am looking at you Thanksgiving Break. 

what room do you spend the most time in?
link up your journal prompt in the comments below!


  1. "The word contraption never leads to comfort." ...haha. Seriously.

  2. From your photos, it looks absolutely adorable!

    I moved into my new home last year and am still in the decorating process. Yes, talk about taking a chunk out of your wallet...hehe. I will admit I save up for Anthropologie items and try to snag a couple things on sale each year, but second hand and Target are also the way I go too! The family room is the room I am in most.

  3. i love that color scheme - i spend the most time in my living room too. it's hard for me because my husband never wants to redecorate or anything like this until we get into our 'real home'

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails
