
Thursday, November 8, 2012

5k. check.

Jayme and me after the race. She and Alaina ran the 1K with all the other neighborhood cutie pies.
If you remember, one of the goals on my 22 before 23 list was to run a 5K. I ran cross country for a year in high school and have run spontaneously since then but never truly enjoyed it. My dad, however, is a runner through and through; thus, I've always wanted to develop some sort of appreciation for it. I think I owe him that much.

I can proudly say that I ran this 5K faster than I ever ran one in high school. So. 5K, checked off the list. We're all planning to run the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving as well. Seems like a fun way to start a great holiday. Will you do it?


  1. Hi I am a new follower and I do admire anyone who can be so dedicated to take on such a running challenge. I have been having problems with my knees since the birth of my second child. Congrats on achieving that goal.

  2. congrats - that's awesome! i've never ran in any sort of race like that - so lots of respect coming from me over here
    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  3. thats great! im going to attempt a 5k on saturday... though i doubt i'll be moving very fast :)

  4. just stopping by your blog and decided that you should know that i love your blog design and pictures!


  5. Good for you! I am so not (nor will ever be) a runner, so I am always super impressed with those who have the guts to enter a race! Just recently found your blog (saw you live in VA too!), and have been soooo enjoying it! Happy Friday to you!
