
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

on the road

There is something strangely cathartic about a long road trip. Today is the third full day that I have to sit in the car and think.

Yesterday we saw crazy horse. I would suggest that you google it. "My home is where my dead lie buried."

The story is inspiring. One man dedicated his whole life to carving the mountain and when he passed his children continued living his legacy. "Never give up on your dreams," he said.

One man has quite literally moved a mountain. One man gave purpose to all of his children.

I wonder often what kind of legacy I'll leave.

Chicago symbolizes a place of change. Somewhere that I can start fresh. A new living space - that is yet to be found - that I can make cozy for our little family of two. A new job that will stretch me and make be better.

But where there is great change there is also fear. I am scared. But hopefully once we are all settled in that fear will fade.

While living in Chicago Michael and I have made a pact to try one new thing every week. A restaurant. A museum. A park. To leave our TV behind and experience life.

In preparation for this move we wrote a family manifesto. A big part of that was experiencing life. Using our money to pay for experiences instead of things. And for that I am excited.

So here is to life. Being an adult, but still feeling like a kid wondering what the hell life has in store.


  1. I love this post. So excited for you!! We just did the same thing... but drove all the way to Florida. So exciting and scary too! Also- I have seen crazy horse before. So cool.

  2. Buying experiences, not things. I like that.
