
Friday, October 5, 2012

new apartment

New digs in Chicago. We are signing papers tomorrow. I feel like a real adult for a variety of reasons.

1. They had to do a credit check.
2. We made a financially smart decision.
3. I start my new job new Monday.
4. Michael will have his own office space.
5. We have a dishwasher people. A brand spanking new one.

Can't wait to get started with decorating. Ikea anyone? It's on the agenda for tomorrow. Something about a blank slate that is so appealing. I was initially thinking white with touches of black and gold, but as it turns out our living room is gray and our kitchen is white. I am not so sure if that particular color scheme is going to fly. I am currently scouring Pinterest for ideas.

Do you have any favorite home decor looks? I would love to see them. Please share links in the comments!

you can read more about our day apartment hunting here if you so desire. 


  1. That was quick!! Congrats, and it's cute too!

  2. i can't wait to see what you do with it!!

  3. ooooh new apartments and new jobs are fun!! COngrats on your adult lives :) It's funny-I still feel like a 16 year old in a 23 year old body. But growing up is fun right?? Scary and terrifying, but fun. Your place looks awesome!

    The House of Shoes

  4. There better be some garden work/pictures coming soon! I remember how much you liked our little plant friend that sat on the dresser all semester. Lol :P
