
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What Harley Wore: Mostly Black

Shirt: Everlane // Skirt: Forever 21 // Watch: Anne Kline via Costco  (gift) // Phone Case: Society 6 (gift) // Shoes: TJ Maxx // Purse: (gift)

I think that this outfit very well demonstrates my entire summer wardrobe in one fail swoop. Comfy skirt, comfy shirt, and sandals. A variation of this has occurred way more than I would like to admit. 

Side Note- This little watch was a present from my husband. He is awesome. 

Some big things coming for our little family. At this point we are making some life altering decisions. It is in these moments where I ask myself, "When exactly did I actually become an adult?" My adulthood is just slapping me across the face on a daily basis. I feel like I am ready for it, but at the same time I kind of want to curl up in my bed and watch endless episodes of the Vampire Diaries. Elena and Stephan anyone? I feel really blessed to have a really supportive family. When everything becomes official I'll share! 

Tomorrow we are doing a giveaway because we think you are great. It won't be sponsored. It will just be from little ol' Jane and I. So enter because really it comes from the heart. 



  1. The comfy skirt and shirt was pretty much my summer uniform, too :)

  2. yeah, let's talk about how amazing all the society 6 phone covers are.

  3. Comfy=my life. Can't wait to see the giveaway!! xox, hm

  4. Totally drooling over that phone case. And loving the simplicity of your outfit!

  5. Big decisions. No pressure or anything, right? It will be okay as long as you make the most out of whatever you decide. I'm learning that these days. :)
