
Monday, September 24, 2012

Journal prompt link up // your hero

write about a hero.
I could name each of my siblings and my parents and explain what I admire and love and appreciate about them and how they each have qualities I work for every day. This week, however, I have felt an incredible respect for my sister, Leah. She is the suffer in silence kind of girl. She has the gift of being able to tell when someone is hurting or needing a listening ear. 
She has been through a mill of her own in the last year. I'm confident that she has wept more tears than I'll ever know--more than she'll ever tell. Leah is the glue, the strong foundation, the shelter in her relationships. She has had a rough journey of self-discovery, a refining process that has created someone even more lovely and sure and wonderful than she was before.
My brother is currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ for Latter-day Saints. Everyday his mission is to share the gospel with the people in Brazil. He is pretty much the bravest person I know. It is weird to think that my baby brother has been responsible for changing so many lives. The little kid that I used to build forts with. Whenever it would rain we would put on our parents huge jackets and build a shelter out of umbrellas in the driveway. Whenever my mom would make cookies Kendall would always ask for two so he could bring one to me first. That little boy has grown into this person... this man... that is being so good and righteous down in Brazil. 
He had to learn a completely new language. His living conditionals are less than stellar. He is constantly on the look out for new people to help. 
I am so proud and humbled by him. I admire his perseverance in his search for perfection. This is a boy that loves with his whole heart. This is a boy that gives me strength. I am so blessed to have him as an example in my life. 


  1. Kayla, that is beautiful and so thoughtful. It means so much to see you notice and comment on the talents of your siblings.

  2. this is lovely. and a wonderful link up, i may go work on this!!
